-Aga is involve with a foundation that helps
people who are deaf. He even knows how to
communicate by sign language effectively.
-He is considered to be one of the country's
finest drama actor.
-He made a successful movie with Broadway
actress and US recording artist Lea Solonga.

(What a cool dude. He can date my sister anytime.
Just don't call at 4 in the morning. hehe..)
                                                                                                                                        (Hey, I mean it.)

Good color shot

regine_agamagshot.JPG (40143 bytes)

Aga is a good old boy but he should definitely lose the ear ring. Sorry girls.
But a man should never wear something that can be pulled on out in the open.

(that doesn't sound right for some reason...)

 WB00948_.GIF (8344 bytes)



agaregtaketwo.JPG (19322 bytes)

Regine & Aga wearing their favorite color.
(It's a black & white shot. hehe..)

Try comparing it with the picture above.


page 2

Back team pic 2

Main Photo Page


The movie should be making it's run to the local video store soon.